
Vivaldi biography
Vivaldi biography

vivaldi biography

In September 1703, Vivaldi accepted his first position, as maestro di violino for the Pio Ospedale della Piet à, one of four "hospitals" established in Venice to care for poor orphaned children, and he would remain intermittently associated with this institution for much of his career. Because of the red hair he inherited from his father, Vivaldi was known throughout his career as il prete rosse ('The Red Priest'). Vivaldi studied the violin with his father, and he was also trained as a priest, but his asthma prevented him from effectively saying mass. This illness plagued him throughout his life and exerted a strong influence on his personal and professional behavior. An important and influential musician during his career, his music figured prominently in the baroque revival of the 1950s and 1960s.īorn in Venice on 4 March 1678, Vivaldi suffered from what was described as strettezza di petto (tightness of the chest), which was probably bronchialĪsthma.

vivaldi biography

Vivaldi produced numerous instrumental and vocal works during his lifetime, but he is best known for his concertos for a diverse group of instruments. VIVALDI, ANTONIO (1678 –1741), Venetian composer and violinist.

Vivaldi biography